How much should you expect If you start to solve captcha for money ? Solving captcha for money is real and you will GET paid If you work on the sites I’ll mention later. Some people say that captcha work is done for scammers who do some illegal or spam things. Many companies don’t have time to solve captcha for every task they do online so, they hire people to do this work for them. I will quote what Captcha solving sites say : Why does any body pay for you to solve captcha ? If you are from any other country, yes this type of work will be worthy. If you are from tier 1 country, gpt sites are the best for you to start.
If you are from India, Pakistan, Venezuela or any other country, You can earn some good money from solving captcha. If you live in the USA or Canada or UK, Don’t depend on Captcha solving as a work. what are the best sites you can work on ?.How much money should you expect to earn DAILY ?.Why any body pay to people to solve captcha codes ?.In this article, I will show you a complete guide to get paid to solve captcha.